News about Mahler Research 60 (2010)

Toblach Mahler Talks 2008: “Mahler and the Sound of His Time”

  • Erich Wolfgang Partsch: Gustav Mahler – Performed “Historically”?
  • Georg Sonnleitner: Which Horn for Gustav Mahler?
  • Dorothea Seel: Mahler and the Flute

Knud Martner: Gustav Mahler’s Fellow Tenant in Prague, Johannes Elmblad

Timothy Freeze: Ambiguity in the Posthorn Episodes of Mahler’s Third Symphony

Stefan Schmidl: “We Strove to Learn from Him”

Elisabeth Bauchhenss: Eugen Szenkar – A Forgotten Mahler Conductor

Gabrielle Ackermann-Johner and Erich Wolfgang Partsch: Theodor E. Johner – Mahler’s Confidant in New York

