Collaboration Partners
- Wiener Philharmoniker
- Gustav Mahler Wissenschaftszentrum, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Director: Christian Glanz - Gustav Mahler Research Centre Toblach/Innsbruck
Director: Federico Celestini - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Department of Musicology
Director: Barbara Boistis - Universität Innsbruck, Department of Musicology
Director: Federico Celestini - Universal Edition
- Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung
Director: Benedikt Lodes - Mahler Foundation
President: Marina Mahler
- Gustav Mahler Stichting Nederland
founded in 1956 | President: Eveline Nikkels - Sociedad Mahler (Mexico)
founded in 1965 | President: Francisco Bricio - The Gustav Mahler Society of New York
founded in 1976 | President: Lewis M. Smoley - Gustav Mahler Vereinigung Hamburg
founded in 1988 | President: Elmar Lampson - Gustav Mahler Society Singapore
founded in 1995 - The Gustav Mahler Society UK
founded in 2001 | President: Daniel Harding - The Mahler Society of Chicago (The Chicago Mahlerites)
founded in 2002 | President: James L. Zychowicz - Sociedad Mahler España
founded in 2006 | President: Manuel del Río Quiroga - The Mahler Society of Hong Kong
founded in 2007 - Magyar Gustav Mahler Társaság
founded in 2008 - Société Gustav Mahler de Genève
founded in 2009 | President: Bruno Megevand - Société Gustav Mahler France
President: Hervé Le Guennec - Gustav Mahler Society of Colombo
- Toronto Mahler Society
Libraries, Collections, Databases
- Bibliothèque musicale La Grange-Fleuret (formerly Médiathèque musicale Mahler)
- Österreichische Mediathek | Katalog
- Austrian National Library | ÖNB digital
Mahler, Gustav, 1860–1911 - Paul Banks: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Printed Sources
- The Gustav Mahler-Alfred Rosé Collection
Open Access Publications
Utz, Christian. 2023. “Performative Form im ersten Satz von Gustav Mahlers Neunter Symphonie. Eine Diskussion der Deutungen von Erwin Stein, Bruno Walter, Leonard Bernstein und Michael Gielen auf Basis einer Korpusstudie zu 121 Aufnahmen.” Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 80, no. 2: 127–150. Open Access (accepted manuscript):
Doub, Austin M. 2020. “Gustav Mahler the Protomodernist.” Musical Offerings 11, no. 1.
Pinto, Angelo. 2020. “‘The Hand that Writes’: The Scriptorial Unfinishedness of the First Movement of Mahler’s Tenth.” Musicologica Austriaca: Journal for Austrian Music Studies.
Utz, Christian. 2019. “Form und Sinn in Gustav Mahlers Abschied. Konkurrierende Deutungen in der Ge-schichte der Mahler-Interpretation.” In Musik im Zusammenhang. Festschrift Peter Revers zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Klaus Aringer, Christian Utz, and Thomas Wozonig. Vienna: Hollitzer, 685–722.
Utz, Christian. 2018. “Multivalent Form in Gustav Mahlerʼs Lied von der Erde from the Perspective of Its Performance History.” Musicologica Austriaca.
Sprenger, Sebastian. 2005. “‘Winkelschiefe Satzkunst‹: Zu einigen Quint- und Oktavparallelen im Werk Gustav Mahlers.” Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie 1–2/1/1, 85–105.
O’Loughlin, N. 2003. “Interconnecting Musicologies: Decoding Mahler’s Sixth Symphony.” Musicological Annual 39, no. 1: 31–49.