Reinhold Kubik 1942–2024

On May 25, 2024, Reinhold Kubik (born 1942 in Vienna) passed away. He was the head of the Critical and New Critical Complete Edition for 20 years (1992–2012) and, for a longer period, vice president of the International Gustav Mahler Society (IGMS).

Reinhold Kubik (2005, Archive of the IGMS)

As editor, Kubik set new standards and thus initiated the transformation from the Critical Complete Edition (KGA) to the New Critical Complete Edition (NKG) of Mahler’s works. He edited the volumes on the Symphonies No. 5 (KGA, Critical New Edition, 2002), No. 6 (NKG, 2010) and No. 7 (NKG, 2012), the three-movement version of Das klagende Lied (NKG, Supplement Vol. 4, 2011) and, together with Stephen Hefling, the five-movement early version of Symphony No. 1 “Titan” (NKG, Supplement Vol. 5, 2019). Kubik curated several highly acclaimed exhibitions, including those for the 50th anniversary of the IGMS Mahleriana – Vom Werden einer Ikone (together with Erich Wolfgang Partsch, Jewish Museum Vienna, September 21, 2005–January 8, 2006) and for Mahler’s 150th birthday “I have to admit I’m Viennese to the core” – Gustav Mahler and Vienna (together with Thomas Trabitsch, Theatermuseum, March 11, 2010–October 3, 2010). He edited standard publications on Mahler’s biography and work, such as Mahlers Welt. Die Orte seines Lebens (together with Helmut Brenner, Residenz Verlag 2011), Mahlers Menschen. Freunde und Weggefährten (together with Helmut Brenner, Residenz Verlag 2014) as well as the two volumes Musikinstrumente und Musizierpraxis zur Zeit Gustav Mahlers (Böhlau Verlag 2007, 2021, Vol. 2 together with Hartmut Krones), and wrote numerous articles on Mahler’s creative processes and on questions of historically informed performance practice.

Reinhold Kubik’s work continues to have an impact today and we always try to continue our activities in his spirit.